Stephan Tanguay is a dedicated game designer who enjoys creating immersive VR experiences. His diverse set of skills encompasses VR game design, game development, creative direction, level design, and system design, making him a contributor to the world of virtual reality gaming.

Stephan has had the privilege of working on several VR games and experiences that have received recognition and awards, including titles like “Slugterra VR” (Hologate), “Mission Maybe” (Zero Latency), and “The Book of Distance” (Steam VR).

In addition to his professional accomplishments, Stephan is honored to share his insights on XR/VR/AR design as a speaker on the global stage. He also actively participates in fostering a sense of community as a leader of the largest VR meetup group in Canada. Through organizing over 70 events, he strives to create a collaborative space where creators can come together to exchange knowledge and share their experiences. Stephan sees himself not just as a game designer but as someone contributing positively to the VR games industry.